Video: Production for Dummies - Brussels, 2020
Questions - quick fire round via chat!
Q. If you work with multiple countries on your project, can you have multiple avant-premieres in festivals in those countries?
A. Yes. You can show your film in all of the countries of production and send it to a country that played no role in your production for your international premiere afterwards. The term 'world premiere' applies to your first ever screening, no matter in which country it is.
Q. Does an online screening count as a premiere/world premiere, even if the film hasn’t been screened anywhere before?
A. It depends on the festival. If it’s geo blocked, it shouldn’t be counted! But some festivals regard the online screening as a premiere and thus won't select your film anymore because you ‘lost’ your première status. It’s tricky!
Q. Does a screening in an exhibition count as a premiere too?
A. Again, it depends on the festival: in the past, festivals didn’t count exhibition-screenings as premières, but more recently some festivals have (unfortunately) become more strict about this.
TIP: Always try to negotiate with the festival and explain that the exhibition situation is really very different. It’s important that the field (artists, producers, distributors -- all of us!) keep telling the festivals that they should be more relaxed about this première business because it’s getting out of hand!
Q. Any tips for cheap music rights? Especially for well-known popular songs?
A. If the composer & musician(s) have passed away more than 70 years ago, the rights are made public.
If the composition or the presentation of the song is more recent, it’s hard work to arrange the rights. Sabam can help you to find the rights holders. They have a tool on their site which you can consult for free!
Q. When you talk about 'Lab' this or that, apart from FilmLab at VAF, do you also mean to talk about 'Film Lab Support' by the Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles?
A. Yes, we use the label 'Lab' for both Film Lab at VAF & FWB.
Tip: Looking for help with your (VAF) project, check out VAF's coaches and apply!
To follow the tips, tricks, and links shared in our chat from A-Z, see below:
ARGOS have now an annual open call for production support, offering support for a number of projects. If you are just looking for some help in kind, use of their studio perhaps, or if you have questions about the collection and the distribution of your film: don't hesitate to get in touch with the team!
Atelier Graphoui offer a regular open call for first-time artists or filmmakers to help them realise their projects. They can help you with script writing, help you gain production support, offer the use of their studios (animation, image, sound), one of their animation/image/sound technicians could lend a hand in your project... the possibilities are multiple and generous! Be sure to put their call in your agenda!
Tip: Contact Atelier Graphoui in advance of applying for support to check with them if your project is a likely match. They will then offer advice on your application.
Distribution queries? Please check out the workshop a film… and what next?, organised by Auguste Orts and Atelier Graphoui for some essential info, à la Distribution for Dummies!
On the website Belgian Film Industry, page 'Film Financing', you'll find an essential summary of all of the film funding options of the land.
Flemish Community Commission (VGC) offers regional support in Brussels from Flemish artists' projects:
Tip: Be sure to check out their short-term procedure for if you miss their bi-annual deadlines, or you have a smaller project which needs a small boost to help you over the finishing line.
Kunstenpunt is your go-to information hotspot as an artist in Flanders! They collect and share open calls, important information and advice, and news. Sign up to their newsletter to stay informed of the scene around you!
Tip: Now, during lockdown, Kunstenpunt are organising free advice sessions every Monday and Wednesday morning! Check it out. Call in. And gain advice on your artistic practice, production, or problems.
Looking for producers, curators, distributors, and more, who support artists moving image? Look no further than our very own On & For participant's list in order to get you started...
Tip: Then, please, do look further! Especially in your own circles: colleagues, friends, artists whose work you appreciate, your teachers, fellow students... all of them can, potentially, help you find your way! You can help each other! Or, they might know someone who's ready to help you! Talk about your projects, thus!
PAM is an open platform for audiovisual, sound art & media art, with partners like aifoon, ARGOS, Art Cinema OFFoff, Auguste Orts, Beursschouwburg, Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles-CVB, Centre de l’Audiovisuel à Bruxelles-CBA, Cinemamaximiliaan, Constant, Contour, Courtisane, Elephy, Escautville, GLUON, Graphoui, Imagerie, iMAL, Jubilee, Lab-au, LABObxl, Messidor, Out of Sight, Overtoon, Qo2, SIC, STUK, Werktank. If you would like to be part of PAM and be kept up-to-date about meetings and activities, please send an email to contact@pamnetwork.be.
Tip: PAM organises regular events for the field to get to know one another and support one another. Keep an eye out for these events as posted on each partners' websites, newsletters, or social media.
Sabam check their website for music rights holders and rules!
SCAM is a non-profit association that can help you understand authors' rights, contracts, and such essential matters when protecting and promoting you work.
SPES offers grants to Belgian artists. However, unfortunately, there are no grants on offer in 2020. Thus, keep an eye on this link for later!
VAF (Flemish Audiovisual Fund) organises workshops over new ways of storytelling, events to make matches between artists/filmmakers & producers, and information days as well as providing regular deadlines for submissions for film funds, study funds, distribution travel funds, and so on. Be sure not to overlook their initiatives!
Tip: Annually, VAF organises a summer school!
VOCATIO offer support for emerging artists, under 30 years old!
Production for Dummies-Brussels, 2020
Editing by Caroline Nugues-Bourchat (Atelier Graphoui), technical support by Jan Costers and Boris Belay (On & For/Auguste Orts)
Presentation given by Andrea Cinel (Curator at ARGOS) and Ellen Meiresonne (Production Manager at Atelier Graphoui) and moderated by Alice Lemaire (Producer at Michigan Films)