Funding Roundtable—Kabelvåg, 2019
03 September 2019 - Nordland kunst- og filmskole
14:00 – 16:00 Funding Roundtable (Closed event)
New funding structures in between traditional film and art funding. What are the options? How to work with new forms of cinema?
Roundtable with European funding organisations, artists, producers and distributors, with prepared statements and open discussion.
How do we rethink existing funding structures, invert them and initiate new ones? How does the financing influence the films that are possible to make?
Artists find new ways of working, what are the options for institutional funding organisations? How can they define new methods and approaches for themselves? How can they, in a European context, learn from each other? Can one use informal networks to support a development despite very different local situations?
Is a platform for European collaboration conceivable?