Distribution for Dummies—Brussels, 2019
26 April 2019 - ARGOS, Brussels
On & For: Distribution for Dummies is a workshop on the basics of distribution for students, graduates, and first-time artists’ moving image-makers.
Distribution for Dummies will map out a general overview of the local, national and international distribution landscape. It will share knowledge on festival submissions, including information on festival specificities (doc/animation/shorts, etc.), submission fees, and the communications packet needed. Further, it will discuss how films are selected for distribution catalogues/collections, what distribution contracts entail, and screening fees.
Distribution for Dummies invites you to come prepared with questions to ask our experts!
The workshop aims to answer your queries and equip distribution beginners with the knowledge necessary to devise their own first distribution strategy and circulate their films.
Distribution for Dummies is presented by Laurence Alary (Head of Distribution at ARGOS) and Kim Vanvolsom (Head of Distribution at Atelier Graphoui), and moderated by Maria Palacios Cruz (Deputy Director of LUX).
Distribution for Dummies – Practical Info
- Date & time: Friday 26 April 2019, 10 am – 12 pm
- Location: ARGOS, Werfstraat/Rue de Chantier 13, 1000 Brussels
- Entrance: Free! Please reserve your seat by emailing info@onandfor.eu before 05/04/19. Limited places available.
- Reservation: State your name, your relation to artists’ moving image (student, graduate, or other), and send 2 questions about moving image distribution that you’d like us to answer.
- Language: English
ARGOS, Brussels (BE): argosarts.org
Founded in 1989, ARGOS is a Brussels-based institution for the production and advancement of critical audiovisual arts, as well as its conservation and restoration. It makes exhibitions and programmes, distributes moving image works, and builds, preserves, and discloses a prominent collection of artist films and videos.
Atelier Graphoui, Brussels (BE): graphoui.org
Atelier Graphoui is both a collective of cinematographers and an audiovisual production workshop and creative center. It’s an authentic sound and image laboratory, active in the field of production since 1979. Atelier Graphoui welcomes new projects, guides them through the various production stages, and facilitates their dissemination through their distribution activities.
LUX / LUX Scotland, London / Glasgow (UK): lux.org.uk/luxscotland.org.uk
LUX is an international arts agency that exists to support and promote artists’ moving image practice and the ideas that surround it. It is the largest distributor of such work in Europe (representing 4500 works by approximately 1500 artists from 1920s to the present day). Its main activities are distribution, acting as an agent for AMI artists; exhibition; publishing; commissioning; research support for curators, researchers and academics; and professional development support for artists and arts professionals.
On & For: Distribution for Dummies is kindly supported by ARGOS and Atelier Graphoui.
With the additional support of the Flanders Audiovisual Fund (Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds- VAF), Flemish Community Commission (Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie - VGC).
On & For Production and Distribution is initiated by Auguste Orts (BE) in collaboration with Kaunas International Film Festival (LT), LUX/LUX Scotland(UK), and Nordland kunst- og filmskole (NO). With the support of the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.