Work Sessions—Brussels, 2019
25 April 2019 - Beursschouwburg, Brussels
The Work Sessions provide a platform for artists to share projects in development with a small group of invited professionals in order to receive conceptual and strategic feedback and to connect with prospective co-producers. The sessions are conceived as an adaptation from cinema industry models in response to the specific demands of the contemporary art context.
Projects: One (working title: Radical Empathy) by Anouk De Clercq (Auguste Orts), Failles by Annik Leroy (Cobra Films), Let us flow! by Sophio Medoidze (Tyneside Cinema), Panopticon Letters: Missive I; Meta Incognita: Missive II; Kālā Pānī: Missive III by Alia Syed (LUX)
The Work Sessions are by invitation only.
With the support of the Flanders Audiovisual Fund (Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds- VAF), and the Flemish Community Commission (Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie - VGC). Kindly hosted by Beursschouwburg, Brussels.
On & For Production and Distribution is a European cooperative project initiated by Auguste Orts (BE) in collaboration with Kaunas International Film Festival (LT), LUX/LUX Scotland and Nordland Kunst- og Filmskole (NO). With the support of the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.